After the presentation, I began reading and studying some articles about museums, galleries, and exhibitions and their differences. In the end, I decided to do a contemporary art centre as Bashirova et. all. (2021:12) believed, “The design regulations for a contemporary
art centre are rather vague, so we determine the design principles of centres based on functional analysis of buildings”.
I am sharing some books names that helped me to understand the art centres' designs:
Museums and Art Galleries: A Design and Development Guide, by Geoff Matthews.
Art Spaces: Architecture and Design, by daab.
Architecture Now! Museums, by Philip Jodidio.
New Museum Design, by Laura Hourston Hanks.
Imagining the Future of The Museum of Modern Art, by John Elderfield.
And articles:
Museum and center for contemporary art: design principles and functional features.
Post-occupancyevaluationofarestored industrial building:Acontemporary art anddesigngalleryinMexico.